There are so many opportunities now for any size business to consider applying for tenders to local, state and federal governments and to be part of the boom in infrastructure and other key projects. These tender opportunities are not just for the large construction but to many day to day services required once a project has been launched.
In this post, I’ll give you my 10 Tips for getting Organised for a Tender, to alleviate your stress and get you started. to get you organised so that you will feel comfortable to then assemble and develop a tender application. Then it’s time to submit your tender application.
Current Statistics related to Tender opportunities
There are 130 Australian Government Agencies who currently have listed their Annual Procurement Plans (APPs)
APPs provide information on significant procurements entities plan to undertake over the next twelve months. APPs include a concise strategic procurement outlook statement, which broadly discusses any key, major or strategic initiatives from which the entity expects procurements to arise.
Approach to Market (ATM) with the Australian Government has 115 listed
ATM is any notice inviting potential suppliers to participate in a procurement which may include a request for tender, request for quote, request for expression of interest, request for information or request for proposal.
A tender is a very important commitment and can catapult your business to the next level. A tender can expand your business brand and create new supply chain opportunities for you.
Over the years I have heard of many stories from people who have been unsuccessful with their tender applications so I want to help get you started. I know it may seem overwhelming but it is never too late to set up a simple checklist from my top 10 tips.
If you are applying for a Grant then that is not quite as in-depth in its requirements BUT it is usually only the quickest to submit an application that comes away as successful.
Here are my 10 Tips for getting Organised for a Tender, to alleviate your stress and get you started.
Don’t forget I’m always here to help you.
Download the guidelines
from a tender you may be interested in. Don’t be put off with the use of terminology. My experiences have highlighted that the terminology can be a deterrent or area of confusion. Even simply deciphering the meaning for employee, worker, consultant, contractor and sub-contractor.
Once you have read the guidelines and you can confirm if it is appropriate for you and your business capability then it’s time to get going.
Start gathering the key evidence
You may be required to obtain particular information from your accountant. Make special note if any document has to be authenticated by a Justice of the Peace aligned to your signatory or declaration. Nothing worse than looking for a JP at the last minute. I know I’ve done that before! I seem to be one of those people who leaves myself until last. My most recent grant application was to be submitted at 9 am and I was stressfully looking for a JP. I hadn’t heeded my own warning!
Note the deadline to submit
When applying for a Grant you may find it very quickly becomes over-subscribed. Recently a government grant oversubscribed within 30 minutes of its release. Even though the cut-off date was 2 weeks away. This deters many people from trying again. If you would like me to review what you had prepared then I’m just a call away. Then when the next offer is announced, you will be ready!
Schedule to Submit your application early
or at least 24 hours prior to the closing date OR in the case of oversubscribed opportunities, then you should be ready to go as soon as the application process opens. The law of averages is that if you are just meeting a deadline when it comes to uploading and submissions, this is when the computer system seems to crash.

Lodge exactly as you are required
If the application says upload one document only for a particular question then you may need to place all your ‘evidence’ into one document.
Are critical and must have easily identified file names to make it easier for the ‘assessor’. Nothing worse than a document with the file name of ‘image4986.pdf’. Rename your file. Don’t allow the assessor to waste their valuable time either. If they have many submissions to review they will look favourably at those with attention to detail.
Show your current standings
Especially in relation to your track record with regard to fines or breaches such as WHS or industrial relations. If the assessor or procurement officer does a search on their extensive database they may find you have previous issues and they would be keen to determine if you have improved your situation
Never leave any section blank
If you do not have evidence or information, then say so and why. An example could be if you are asked about any WHS fines or breaches. Then say nil and say how long you have been in business and even how many staff. This is especially useful if you are in a high risk industry
Be Uptodate
with your business and industry’s compliance with regard to regulations. This way you will remain uptodate with the latest information and you should have the resources on file.
If you don’t know your compliance, you should!
Now that you have my top 10 tips for getting organised for a tender, you can start by identifing a suitable tender, gather your information, and then you are at the critical opportunity to put forward your case as the best person/business. You need to stand out from the rest.
If you require any assistance in preparing your Tender then we are the experts for you. Contact us via email or phone us to arrange a chat
Don’t miss any opportunity!