cSi Tendering
Tendering & Tender Writing
There is a huge amount of offers in circulation for any business to submit a tender application. This is especially where the government or council is keen to get the economy moving forward. Thanks to the interruptions from Covid19 many small to medium-sized businesses are in a good position to be considered.
Applying for a Tender can be tedious. I’m not saying it is easy and of course, it is time-consuming. Yes, it may feel overwhelming but to be successful the time spent is minimal to the reward. If you are an SME then you are usually time-poor and not as focussed on your writing skills, as may be required when submitting a proposal.
The opportunities for you and your business could be the launchpad to expand your business. A successful tender can develop your brand and reputation.
Working with an experienced Tender Writer will take the stress out of this project. You may already have the information documented; it could just need collating into the format that is required.
A tender requires you to prove how you will comply with the requirements of the project and provide the product/service on time and to the highest quality standards. By gaining a good reputation with the business you gain from the tender, the reward is invaluable.